
Check out my recent publication on how to study structural racism as a system of exposure: Advancing the study of health inequality: Fundamental causes as systems of exposure

Check out other writing on how to better study structural racism and health: Neighborhood Disadvantage, Residential Segregation and Beyond – Lessons for Studying Structural Racism and Health

As a Predoctoral Trainee at the Center on Demography and Economics of Aging, and in collaboration with Louise Hawkley and Kathleen Cagney, I used data from the National Social Life Health and Aging Project to measure the impact of living in a disadvantaged neighborhood on residential relocation in later life and how this varies by race. Here is a link to our paper.

In collaboration with Forrest Stuart, Grant Buhr and partners at the YMCA Youth Safety and Violence Prevention Program, I studied how adolescents navigate neighborhood violence in the digital age and if/how activity on social media turns into real-life violence. This project was made possible through funding from the University of Chicago Urban Health Initiative.

I helped to launch the new Border Health Humanitarian Initiative a multi-sectoral, multi-national coalition to convened to address the humanitarian health needs of migrants in transit and residing in the border regions from Central America to the US. Learn more here.

Here are some examples of my past work.

Here is my Google Scholar page (or email me for an up-to-date version of my CV).